Protective Style – Mini Twists on Natural Hair


Pre-poo, short for pre-shampoo, is a protective moisturizing treatment used before cleansing your hair and scalp. A pre-poo can include various ingredients like hair oils, butters or even food-grade honey, bananas or mayonnaise to provide maximum hydration and protect from damage to both.

To use a pre-poo, start by sectioning your hair into four to eight segments and coating each with product. Comb through these segments with detangled fingers until all segments have been coated; leave in for about 30 to 60 minutes, rinse out thoroughly with warm water, and follow with your regular wash routine afterwards.


The mini twist is an effective protective style to promote hair growth while shielding both your scalp and strands from damage. Not only is it easy to maintain, but you should ensure you moisturize your strands frequently for best results.


Mini twists are an ideal protective style to try for anyone seeking relief from daily manipulation of their locks, and those looking to add length or fullness.

To install mini twists, start by washing your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo and moisturizing with a moisturizing conditioner. Moisturizing beforehand will help your locks retain more moisture longer while also helping reduce product buildup.

To keep your twists in good condition, mist them daily with water and leave-in conditioner. Some may like to add oil for maximum hydration; alternatively putting on a satin scarf before bed may help protect mini twists from losing their moisture during sleep.


Twisting fine hair into mini twists is an excellent protective style with minimal manipulation, yet its takedown can be tricky. Take extra care and patience when undoing them so as not to break any strands; using conditioner with slip will make the task much simpler.